Here's an advice for my friend who lost his soul
Wondering around the street
Getting there old
Sand for food
Life for told
Chances granted
Emotion played
Soul Stolen
Heart swollen
still having lost soul my friend?
well, let me give you an advice which I've learn from past.
don't feel heartache for you deserve better,
don't look back for she's someone who will hurt you again.
someone who gave up on you, will again give you up in the future,
don't fall into the trap as this trap goes deeper and deeper each time.
she can look naive, she can look beautiful.
But looks can be deceiving.
What you need in life my friend, is 'she' who is smart and appreciate who you are.
miracle will come, and i will pray for you.
for we shall walk this path atleast once in life to be stronger.
i walked past twice, burned my feet so deep, and just at the moment i wanted to give up, miracles came.
believe my friend... to believe and you shall receive.
tho i am not some Father in church, just a friend.
I hope, my prayer will do you good.
alright my friend?
now, do me a favor ya?
smile =)
*dear readers, tho you do not know this 'friend' of mine I'm indicating to, but i hope you all will give a little prayer for him.
God Bless
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