Saturday, June 7, 2008

what a tiring day....Zzz

GoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooodddddddddddDDDD Afternoon!! Yes, afternoon. I woke up at 1pm.... and still I am FREAKING TIRED!!!! Still, today is another day of work work work. Got ready, went for my lunch and wanted to send my laundry to the dobi, but it was closed cause it's our King's birthday.

The dark clouds gathering above my head while i was walking towards college to edit my Music Video for my assignment. Got there an hour earlier and 'Dit! dit!' " huh? my card not working for the sensor door?" so i went down the the security and asked to have the door open as i book my time slot for the editing. " soli, hari public holidays tidak boleh buka" - This is the last thing i wanna hear!!!! so i called up my department sectary, and she said the same thing to me. "ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" yes.. literally i was shouting after i hang up the phone. but what to do...... have to go back home lo...

So guess what i did went i got home? -----------------> Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz (while coughing my lungs out)


THwui said...

Hey.. when the music video comes out? post it to youtube ya. i wan to see! hehe..


Howard Law said...

yap yap =)